Madison and The American Colonization Society
To say that James Madison, Jr., Father of the Constitution, 4th President, and author of the Bill of Rights, contradicted himself with regards to slavery is a fair statement and one that fit many of our Founding Fathers and American society at that time. Madison is on record with regard to the “moral crime, curse to society, and menace to the Union” the condition of slavery was; yet, he was a slave holder. Slavery was so deeply entrenched in the economic fabric of the country that it was much easier to want to end enslavement than it was to effect it through lasting legislation. Madison had tried and failed to obtain such legislation during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. He seemed unable to manumit the enslaved peoples of Montpelier perhaps due to the slave laws of Virginia, his lack of funds to purchase land outside of the Commonwealth along with supplies and transport; and an inability to pay wages for labor. Further, like many of his countrymen, he could not envision the two races living in freedom as neighbors; one race having been held by the other in a state of degradation. He could not envision a peaceful coexistence and felt freed blacks should be moved to another location, away from their former owners’ society.
In 1819, Madison had written to Robert J. Evans, outlining his vision of general emancipation of slaves and their colonization of some of the unused territory west of the Mississippi River. Taking the vision even further, Madison wrote “…if slavery as a national evil is to be abolished, and it be just that it be done at the national expense, the amount of the expence is not a paramount consideration…” (P. 373)
Madison’s plan of colonization of disposable [unused/unclaimed] land sprang from the American Colonization Society [ACS], of which he was a strong supporter. Madison was elected the third president of the organization in 1883, serving until his death on June 28, 1836.

The ACS was founded to “transport to the African Coast, all free & freed blacks who may be willing to remove thither; to provide by fair means, & it is understood with a prospect of success, a suitable territory for their reception; and to initiate them into such an establishment as may gradually, and indefinitely expand itself.” The ACS was not the success its founders hoped it would be. Only a few thousand formerly enslaved people had availed themselves of the option to return to Africa; specifically Monrovia, Liberia. However, Madison still had hopes for the ACS as evidenced in his will. He had instructed that his grist mill be sold to benefit the ACS, for no less than $700.00; about $24,000.00 in 2021.
Image courtesy of the Library of Congress.
On February 12, 1845, the Executive Committee of the ACS met and then directed that Madison’s grist mill be sold for the minimum amount directed in Madison’s will; $700. The document bears the barely visible embossed seal of the American Colonization Society (lower left).

The document was a gift to the museum from Mr. William T. Willis in 1981.
Colonization bears a negative connotation in our society, but, it was an acceptable alternative in the early 19th century. The Society's founders intent may have been as simple as it's stated purpose which some viewed as a humanitarian effort and an avenue to end slavery in the United States. However, extremists on both sides of the slavery debate made it difficult for the Society to raise funds and their efforts declined around 1840. Between 1821 and 1867, it is estimated close to 10,000 black Americans and several thousand Africans from interdicted slave ships were resettled by the ACS. Following the American Civil War, the ACS focused on education and missionary activities until its dissolution in 1964.
Peterson, Rutland and Kerr, “The Founding Fathers, James Madison” Published by Newsweek, NY. 1974
McCoy, Drew. The Last of the Fathers, James Madison & The Republican Legacy” Cambridge University Press, NY. 1989
Library of America. “James Madison. Writings” Literary Classics of the United States, Inc. 1999.