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The James Madison Memorial Foundation (dba The James Madison Museum of Orange County Heritage) complies with all laws governing 501(c)(3) exempt organizations including making available to the public certain annual returns and application filings with exempt status.


We are working on making these available online. Until such time, you may request them in person, or we can mail copies will to you. The Foundation will charge a small fee for copies and postage within IRS regulations.

Our Mission

The James Madison Museum of Orange County Heritage is dedicated to serving the community by collecting and preserving the artifacts and cultural heritage of 18th, 19th and 20th century Orange and the Piedmont of Virginia. To offer exhibits and other presentations that promote an awareness and appreciation of that heritage. To memorialize, in particular, James Madison of Orange County, fourth President of the United States, his life and times, and in his interest in and contributions to the fields of political theory and government, economics and agriculture.



Our Executive Board



Ms.Jess Cifizzari


Vice President 

Mr. Tom Matthes



B. Sullivan - Interim




Mr. Fred Stein, II


Our Museum Staff

Ms. Bethany W. Sullivan


Ms. Carole white



© 2013 - 2019 The James Madison Museum of Orange County Heritage


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