#5. (June 24th - July 4th, 1853). Bois De Sioux to the Grand Côteau Du Missouri.
To better envision this narrative think of Isaac Stevens as the center of the sun with various teams (six I believe) extending outward as...

#4. June 21st - 23rd, 1853. Lightning Lake to Pike Lake.
In the prior column we learned that the main train arrived at Lightning Lake in the late afternoon of the 20th. Isaac Stevens’ journal...

#3: June 6-1, 1853. Saint Paul to the Sauk River.
Isaac Stevens’ journal is filled with details of the Mighty Mississippi, the surrounding land, the plants, resident animals and humans. ...

#2: Determining the Practicable Route for the Transcontinental Railroad. (Series)
In the introductory column, I introduced you to Isaac Stevens who had been recently appointed Governor of the Washington Territory and...

Let's go on a journey!
Washington, D.C., February 7, 1859 Sir: I have the honor to submit my final report of the explorations made by me and under my...