The James Madison Museum of Orange County Heritage
129 Caroline Street, Orange, Virginia 22960 (540) 672-1776 jamesmadisonmuseuminfo@gmail.com

A gift from Madison's best friend, Thomas Jefferson in 1820, this was Madison's favorite seat in the house.

English ware decorated in Orange, Netherlands to commemorate the wedding of Prince William V of the House of Orange, to Princess Frederica Sophia Wilhelmia of Prussia. William V was the son of Prince William IV and Princess Ann of Hanover and in whose honor Orange [County] was created in 1734. At that time, Orange extended west to the Mississippi and North to the Great Lakes. Courtesy Estate of H. T. Peters, Jr.

This exhibit honors the 5,000 Black patriots, men and women, who found in the American Revolution. It is located in the Black History Room.

Enter a Virginia forest to learn about the Manahoac Confederacy that inhabited what we know as Orange County and the Paleo-Americans before them.

This small reticule (purse) with carved ivory relief was used between 1800 and 1820. Courtesy Mrs. V. T. Smith.

Hand-crafted bench for pealing fruits. Circa 1780-1820. Courtesy Mr. & Mrs. H. deJarnette.

Land patent originally written/signed during Madison's presidency (1816) and updated in 1880.

Chest of drawers made by enslaved craftsmen at James Madison's Montpelier. Courtesy of Mrs. H. Dinwiddie, Jr.

Ivory fan painted with 18th Century scenes. Circa 1800-1850. Courtesy H. Burr

Dome or Hump-back trunk (Victorian into Edwardian Period). Courtesy A. Sanderson

Civil War officer's brazier or lamp. Courtesy D. Davis.
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